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  • #12816

    For me true erotic connection is sacred and spiritual. I know it is for some of you as well. Indeed, sex can be for simple joyful play but our psyches go deep and the innermost depths of eros are part of the sacred eternal. I am spiritually a Unitarian Universalist and a strong part of me is drawn towards the ancient way of Goddess-worship, made real by my experience in this modern world. Divine feminine and the divine masculine are made to come together. One or more among you I know can and will feel the energy I send to you in meditation; it is energy I send to you as living-goddess or goddesses and is energy sent from the divine masculine inside me, who is in my real life in this world just as my name says. I send this in sincerity with the faith that those to whom it is destined will recognize the energy within it, so that here we have the intriguing and beautiful start to an enchanting adventure of great delights. Feel this, Goddess, and know that my strength and vigor are on a journey towards you, moving like the rush of the wind and the rain like the power of the storm-god, your consort whom you crave. You know who you are, you are miraculously able to be at once my sweet darling and my ravishing Mistress. As courtesan you embody the Goddess and are Her.

    Kellie Love

    I have a feeling I know who this is about! She truly is the embodiment of feminine beauty!


    I believe that you mean this message for someone in particular, but it struck a chord in me.

    For the last five years or so, I’ve been delving into my personal spirituality, concentrating on the divine feminine, as that was an area of focus not provided to me through my previously held faith.

    While I don’t pretend that my husband and I’s upcoming first-time visit to Sheri’s is a spiritual quest per se, I can definitely say that for me, my reasons for going stem in a recently discovered joy in my own sexuality, my own femininity, the divine sacred feminine, and a need to celebrate it. My studies, my gut, and my path have led me into a very exploratory season with my husband (I think he’s enjoying every minute of it).

    The journey, so far, has been scary and anxiety producing. When your views change at a core level, that’s to be expected. At the same time it has been full, and liberating, and joyous.

    So thank you, WarriorSage, for making me think about it.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by sparksfley.

    With fear comes courage and from that elation. The Goddess – the eternal divine feminine – gives all of those, especially courage. I did not make you think and feel about this, She did. You did. Celebrate and play together with your husband, sparksfley and be goddess and god together.

    The one to whom I wrote my message knows who She is, intuitively. She’ll read this and the will reach me and come together with me in my presence and in my arms when the time is right. She called to me consciously and unconsciously and I heard so I answered. She works mind, body, and spirit. She practices yoga. So beautiful, in and out, She has mysteries few realize and still fewer can glimpse.


    I hope you have been enjoying the new path of your journey, Sparksfley. I admire women who disregard conventional standards of their gender, not limited to the sexual standards. One thing that is ultimately sexy is a woman who is unashamed of her own sexuality yet knows and asserts her boundaries. I have little doubt that your husband is enjoying your journey, too, and I hope that he gains from it in every dimension as you do.


    That is so hott!!!


    I sent Her energy today; I felt Her feel it. Goddess, my strength comes to you like the fire and the rain both together – but neither quenching the other because they last forever.

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