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Health Benefits of Prostitution

Health Benefits of Prostitution

It has often been said that visiting a prostitute at a legal Nevada brothel is the healthiest way to have sex with a stranger. Since Nevada sex workers are tested weekly for STD’s and condom use is mandatory at these establishments, there’s certainly no safer place to...
Sex Buyer Study: A Sex Worker’s Response

Sex Buyer Study: A Sex Worker’s Response

My name is Perla and I am a licensed courtesan at Sheri’s Ranch. I have been a sex worker legally through the Nevada system for three years, and I have serviced a considerable number of male clients. This month, a study published in the Journal of Interpersonal...
Meet the Millennial Prostitutes

Meet the Millennial Prostitutes

There are over 50 million millennials in the American workforce. Born between the early 1980s and the early 2000’s, millennials have been both lauded for their entrepreneurship and criticized for their self-centeredness. Regardless of how they’re viewed by previous...
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